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The Millennial Minds|redefining millennials|a blog by BABRC 4-1D

How Much is Too Much?

Should we have a Social Media Censorship or Self-Censorship?


Social media can be already qualified as a necessity nowadays, because this is where most of our communication occurs. May it be an additional requirement from your professor, some fresh and hot gossips from your besties, and of course, the students’ most awaited class suspensions (admit it! When it starts raining, you wait for #WalangPasok). But when can we say we had enough internet for the day? Is it when it is consuming most of our time? Or when it puts our security to danger?

Photo Source: Giphy
I believe you who’s reading this knows how addicting Facebook can be. Scrolling through countless memes, videos of cats and dogs, and some arguments or rants on political issues are just some of the things that makes it hard to neglect Facebook. (Guilty!) So hard, that sometimes it consume most of our time when we should be doing something productive. But, worry no more! Todobook is here to rescue your unproductivity.

Photo Source: Mashable

Todobook is a Chrome extension that “redirects you to your work when you're whiling away time on your News Feed,” according to Mashable. It blocks your News Feed and changes it to an instant to-do list. What makes this thing special is that the list won’t disappear unless you finish all of your tasks, or simply be a quitter (but Millennial like us don’t just quit!). This app can be a great add-on to keep your priorities in balance and your time liking too much memes and selfies at bay. So do try *wink*.

Photo Source: Mashable

Photo Source - Facebook, Ivy Manosa

Photo Source - Facebook, Josea Santiago
Aaaand speaking of selfies! Who doesn’t know how to take selfies? No one, right? Selfie is a great way to flaunt your new clothes, or your #OnFleek make-up, or just simply be cute on it (with matching peace sign pose!). But wait aside from the health issues toward selfies, our favorite past time is now also hackers fave knack testing zone. Oooh yes! It is possible. According to the research team at Japan’s National Institute of Informatics (NII), cyber thieves can access your fingerprint-protected data (like everything that is protected by the Touch ID system in your iPhone) by just getting your fingerprint in your peace sign selfie pose.  Why should you care? Well Robert Capps from biometric company NuData Security shares that once a person’s biometric data is stolen and resold on the Dark Web, the risk of inappropriate access to the user’s accounts and identity can persist throughout his lifetime. Scaary! But worry less as the hacking would take several complicated steps to really create an actual thumb print. But who knows, maybe your hacker can be overtly determine so Millennials it is better to be safe than sorry.

Technology just improve and improve everyday! Maybe one morning, you’ll wake up and realize another name is already owning Facebook’s throne as the ultimate social media need (but I doubt that!). Or maybe someone have successfully access your account just by using your well-liked smile on your last week selfie. Who knows? But kidding aside, the message is simply this.  Be a responsible social media users and be mindful of whatever you post online. Self-censorship is a lot easier than internet censorship because the decision comes from you and you and you alone. So, again pardon me for saying this gasgas reminder but

Photo Source: Giphy

by: Lem Taruc

VTVN Solutions Ltd. HK

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